It is understood that both emotional and learning based issues can sometimes interfere with a child’s performance at school. It is our intention to support students in having a positive and happy school experience.

Individual and group school-based counseling is available to students K-4. Wells Elementary

School has a full time Guidance Counselor, Pam Ingram, and a full-time Social Worker, Kathy Mitchell. They receive referrals from parents, teachers, administrators and students.

Pam Ingram offers support to students who may struggle with school-based problems such as learning disabilities, study skills or friendship issues. Deb Springfield works with students who may have home based issues such as divorce, loss in the family or substance abuse.


The NWEA is a computerized test that is a part of the WOCSD Local Assessment System. This test is given to all kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grade students in the fall and spring. The Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) tests are administered in March to all grade 3 and 4 students to assess progress towards achieving Common Core literacy and math standards. Test scores are shared with parents and become part of the student’s cumulative folder. Other common assessments are done within the school to ensure student’s progress towards district standards. WIDA Access for English Language Learners English Language proficiency testing, will occur between 12/1 and 2/3.


The Wells Elementary School Literacy Support Program is a supplemental reading program for students in grades K-4. This program provides both in-class support as well as extra reading instruction outside of class in a small group setting. Children are taught reading strategies, word analysis skills, and comprehension strategies. The goal of the Wells Elementary School Literacy Support Program is to help each student become a fluent, independent reader, and to attain grade level skills.


The Wells Elementary School supplemental math program is for those students requiring additional support in the area of mathematics in grades K-4. This program provides both in-class and pull out small group instructional support in specific skill areas. Program eligibility is determined by assessments conducted at the beginning of the school-year. The goal of the math support program is to provide additional support and strategies to increase the students’ math skills development.


Services to Reach Educationally Talented Children (STRETCH)

Providing appropriate learning opportunities for students identified as academically advanced, STRETCH services may include enrichment, acceleration, compacting curriculum, mentoring and advocacy. Formal identification for STRETCH services begins in third grade. For more information, please contact Suzanne Laplante-Killoran, Gifted and Talented Teacher (Extension 4201).

Programs and Services Continued:


Students may qualify for special services following a teacher or parent recommendation, parent approval, and testing to determine needs. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed for each student with special needs. Should you have concerns or questions about Special Education, the Individualized Education Plan, or individual assessments, please call the Director of Special Services, Stacey Schatzabel at 646-8331.


Section 504 is a federal law that requires public schools to make adjustments so that students with disabilities can learn and participate in settings with all other students who do not have disabilities. To be eligible for services under Section 504, a student must have a condition that substantially limits one or more major life activity. A team, including parents, decides if a student is eligible. The team should include the student's parent or legal guardian, the student (if appropriate), and others who know the student, or know about the student's disability, such as a teacher, a guidance counselor, a school nurse, or other school staff. If the student is eligible, the team develops an individual accommodation plan. The individual accommodation plan explains how the student's needs will be met while at school. To learn more about Section 504, contact Ryan Fairchild, Special Services Director, at 646-8331 or Pam Ingram, WES Guidance Counselor at 646-5953 Extension 4129.


Band is an elective for all fourth graders. A local company provides instrument rentals for families who do not wish an initial purchase. Instrumental lessons are given in small groups during the school day recess block, one day a week. A notice is sent home at the beginning of the school year to announce the date, time, and location of the band information night for parents. Students may choose flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone or trombone.


Wells Elementary School students participate in a variety of performances during the school year. The following is a list of some of these, with information about each:

1. Spring Kindergarten Music Concert: This concert usually occurs during the spring (March/April). All kindergarten classrooms participate in this musical performance where they sing a variety of selections they have worked on throughout the year. This performance occurs in the Wells Elementary School cafeteria during the school day under the direction of the Kindergarten Music Teacher.

2. Jump Rope For Heart: During the month of February, students in grades two, three, four, and multiage 1-2 classrooms participate in the Jump Rope For Heart campaign. Students raise money for the American Heart Association by participating in a variety of jump rope activities. This event has a longstanding history of over 30 years!

3. District Art Show: The Wells Ogunquit Community School District has an Arts celebration on an evening in March. Several forms of student art are displayed in this wonderful event.

4. 3rd Grade Recorder Program: The 3rd grade Recorder program begins in January. It provides an opportunity for all students to play a wind instrument, and it serves as preparation for those students who choose to be in band in grade four. Instruction includes, note reading and rhythm skills; understanding musical language; playing in parts; and solo and ensemble experiences. Recorders, music and folders are provided for ****each student. Students are responsible for taking care of their own materials. They will perform at a Spring concert.

5. Rodeo: This performance is conducted by the second grade students during March/April. The performance consists of singing, dancing and acting and is a culmination of a history project. All CORE (Art, Music, Physical Education, Exploration, Library and Computer) teachers assist in directing this interactive multi-curricula performance. This performance historically occurs during the school day and parents are welcome to attend.

6. Wells Elementary School Band Concert: This event is for fourth graders who play an instrument. They participate in a concert in the spring playing an array of music under the direction of the band teacher. Students practice several songs prior to this event and perform for parents in a concert during the school day.

7. Barn Gallery Art Exhibit: Each Mother’s Day weekend in May, The Barn Gallery in Ogunquit supports an exhibition of our students’ K-12 art work. This is a community event where the gallery supports our district’s fine arts curriculum.

8. Starz for Broadway: This dramatic musical theatre performance is presented by fourth grade students in June. Students prepare for this experience throughout their years at Wells Elementary School with particular emphasis placed on preparation during the spring months of fourth grade. All fourth grade students take on a variety of roles such as narrator, actor, dancer, singer and/or instrument player.

9. Colors Day: This school wide event occurs during the last week of school in June. The purpose of Colors Day at Wells Elementary School is to promote the qualities of cooperation, sportsmanship, teamwork, and fun among members of our community. Students, staff and families join together at the end of each school year to celebrate our efforts in creating a safe and positive learning experience for students. Children participate in a school parade and a number of field activities on this day.