Student Assessment/Evaluation (Local Assessments, NWEA and Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) Testing)

Wells Elementary School staff utilize an array of assessments to help teachers inform instruction. Some of these assessments include but are not limited to: letter identification (K Only), sight word vocabulary, phonemic awareness, concepts about print, writing vocabulary, reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing samples, math, science and social studies.

Students in grades BK, kindergarten, one, two, three and four participate in Northwest Educational Achievement Testing (NWEA) twice per year (fall and spring). NWEA’s Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) are assessments that provide accurate, useful information about student achievement and growth. These tests are administered to students on the computer. The NWEA is a commonly used standardized assessment that monitors student growth over time. It also compares student progress to other students across the country. Tests are taken during May to measure student progress in reading and math. This information is reviewed carefully by administrators and teachers to assist in providing high quality instruction.

Students in grades three and four will also participate in the Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) testing sessions. Reading and Math skills will be evaluated. Testing on the MEA will occur in the spring for all Maine students in grades three through eight. Public schools in Maine, as well as, parents will receive scores once they are released.

The Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) is a statewide school accountability test that is designed to measure your child’s performance and growth in reading and math from Kindergarten through second or third grade. The MEA's are administered once per school-year to every third and fourth grade student in Maine’s public schools. The content areas students will be evaluated on are reading and mathematics. The MEA scores become a permanent part of your child’s academic records.

Reporting Student Progress

Grades K-4

September/October—Initial Assessment Results

November (3:15 - 6:45 p.m.) Parent Conferences

January — Report Card

April (3:15 - 6:45) — Parent Conferences

June — Report Card on the last day of school