Appropriate Dress

Please be sure that your child is dressed properly for all seasons. During cold weather, students should have hats, mittens or gloves, snow pants, and boots.

During warm weather, the length of shorts and skirts should not be revealing. Clothing which might cause a safety hazard or distraction must be avoided. Hats may not be worn in school.

For safety reasons, students should wear sneakers or closed toe shoes. No footwear with wheels in the sole are allowed. We do not want students wearing sandals, clogs or flip flops on the playground. These often slip off during play causing injury to the student.

Playground Winter Gear Requirements:

Students MUST HAVE:

Coat or jacket, gloves or mittens, AND a hat to play outside during the winter.

Staff will encourage students to remember proper gear.

In addition, if students have snow pants AND boots they may play on the snow, on the equipment or participate in sledding on the hill. If students do not have snow pants AND boots, they will be allowed to remain outside but MUST stay on the paved/plowed area only. They may not play on any part of the snow.