Student Records

The Wells-Ogunquit CSD complies with all federal and state laws concerning confidentiality of student records. If you need more information, please contact your building principal. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Title V, (1974) P.L. 93-380 M.R.S.A. 805-806; 20; 961-963, the

The following is considered directory information and may be released without parental consent:

Disclosure of Student Information Continued:

1. Student’s name, address, and phone number

2. Date and place of birth

3. Major field of study

4. Participation in officially recognized activities and sport

5. Weight and height of members of athletic teams

6. Dates of attendance (on both an annual and daily basis)

7. Degrees and awards received

8. The most recent educational agency or institution attended

Parents and eligible students may choose to refuse to permit the release of any or all of the directory information. Refusal will be allowed upon receipt of written notification to the Superintendent of Schools no later than three weeks after the end of the first quarter or within 30 days of student enrollment for the upcoming year. (from School District Policy JO)

The school attempts to maintain accurate, updated records on all students. As a parent, you have the right to:

1. Receive, upon request, a list of the types and location of educational records kept on your child

2. Inspect and review any of your child’s records

3. Receive copies of the records for a minimal duplication cost

4. Have someone at your child’s school explain or interpret any item in your child’s records that you do not understand

5. Have a person of your choosing inspect and review the records