
The school buses transporting the students in the Wells-Ogunquit C.S.D. are contracted and operated by Student Transportation of America/Ledgemere Transportation, Inc. Ledgemere works directly with the school administrators in all phases of busing and can be contacted directly if you have any concerns, problems, or questions. The number is 646-5502. Ask for Lauren.


Wells Elementary School students may not be dropped off at home unless a parent is present or a signal to alert the driver that the parent is home is used. Please create a signal, (light on, garage door open, etc.) and inform the driver that it is safe to drop off your child if the signal is in effect.

Any misconduct which distracts the driver is a very serious safety hazard to the operation of the school bus and as such jeopardizes the safety of all students.

Children’s rights when riding the school bus are conditional on their behavior and observance of rules pertaining to proper conduct. The school bus driver is in complete charge of the students while riding to and from school and has the right to assign students to seats in the bus. Drivers are authorized to enforce the bus rules and to make suggestions in line with proper behavior and good citizenship.

The safety of our students is of prime concern. You will receive a copy of the District’s Transportation Policy pertaining to student guidelines for proper conduct on school buses and disciplinary action procedure at the beginning of each school year. Your assistance in helping students understand the need for good safety habits is of utmost importance. Please note that the school committee supports the use of video cameras on buses to promote safety.

In keeping with our Child Watch procedure, please be sure to send a signed note when any changes in the normal way to return home are necessary.

Driving Around School Property:

As the safety of students and staff is one of our highest priorities, it is requested that you observe the following when entering or leaving district grounds:

· Always assume that there are students present

· Proceed slowly at all times

· No traffic is allowed in the bus loop at ANY time. Be reminded that you may not pull out in front of, or pass a school bus when bus lights are flashing, be it on the road or on school property. (The fine for this offense is substantial and we all have a responsibility to ensure our students are safe).

· Please abide by all “no parking” signs in areas throughout the WES grounds.

· **No **double parking is allowed at any time on school property as it prevents busses from entering/exiting Wells Elementary School.

· Vehicles may not drive around the back of the school, on the playground, or on the courtyard at any time. We have placed chains and STOP signs near the playground and staff parking lot to deter any possible traffic from driving around the building.

- Between 2:45 and 3:15 we kindly request no parking or motor vehicle traffic occur in our pickup/dismissal loop for safety purposes. During this time, there is considerable student/parent foot traffic in this area. The loop is closed off by an entrance barrier and sign.

· When students are being dropped off in the parent drop-off loop in the morning, parents may not park in that area to walk their children into the building. This creates a backup of traffic and potential safety concerns as children are forced to walk between parked cars.

· Parking is ONLY allowed in designated parking lots. If the lot closest to the school is full, please park in the lower lot. This will ensure student safety. By parking in the lower lot, you may exit via the high school access road and not be delayed by school busses at the elementary school.


Field trips are an excellent and enjoyable way for children to learn a variety of skills. Our students participate in a number of field trips to support classroom instruction. Please be looking for field trip permission slips that need to be returned in a timely manner for these events. Wells Elementary School has specific guidelines regarding chaperones for field trips. The following is the WES chaperone field trip process:

The Purpose of Chaperones for Field Trips

The purpose of multiple chaperones accompanying students on field trips is first and foremost for their safety. Other reasons are to:

  • further advance the learning/enrichment opportunity for students by creating small groups
  • continuously direct students’ attention to guides (or museum docents)
  • keep students in a group that moves together at all times
  • ensure that students demonstrate appropriate behaviors specific to the various out-of-school environments

Protocols for Field Trip Chaperones

1. Number of Chaperones

  • All field trips must be chaperoned with a minimum of a 1:10 ratio of adults to students.

  • A maximum of six* *chaperones (up to 4 parent/community volunteers in addition to the WES employees) will accompany any one homeroom. This supports the purpose while maintaining a manageable number of groups during off campus experiences.

    • At least two of the six chaperones must be WES employees (whenever possible) who are familiar with all of the students and the school’s code of conduct.

The classroom teacher will:

    • determine if more chaperones are needed in addition to him/herself and the other WES employee
    • assign students and chaperones to groups

2. Selection Process

  • When parent or community member chaperones are needed, a request will be included at the bottom of the students’ permission slip. The responses will be collected until the due date for permission slips is reached. At that time, the classroom teacher will select from 1-4 volunteers (depending on the nature of the trip and the needs of the students) using the following methods:

    • Random selection
    • Specific selection of parents/community members who know students well due to volunteering in the classroom on a regular basis
    • Specific selection of parents/community members who have been unable to volunteer on a regular basis and are able to take a full day to participate in this manner
    • Any combination of the selection methods described above.

3. Parameters

  • Chaperones will participate in all site visits free of charge.
  • Chaperones must be available and willing to ride the bus to and from the field trip site unless the classroom teachers request drivers due to space or other need.
  • Chaperones may not bring siblings or other children who are not part of the participating class on a field trip.

4. Other

Chaperones who may be asked to attend but will not be included in the adult to student ratios noted above are:

  • A parent of a student with a medical condition that requires special monitoring.
  • A parent of a student with significant behavioral needs requiring close supervision.
  • The educational technician assigned to work with a specific student every day or the student’s special educator.

Together, we can provide a safe environment for all our students and staff.

If you have any questions or comments concerning the above, please feel free to contact LEDGEMERE TRANSPORTATION at 646-5502.