Parent Involvement

Children will function best in school when they are prepared for their assignments. Homework is an important part of the educational program and an excellent way for parents to get involved with their child’s education. See the Wells Elementary School Homework policy at for specific details. Parents should check daily to see if their children have been assigned homework.

We urge parents to supervise their child’s television viewing habits. Time should be available for students to complete homework assignments and to develop good study habits.

Please be sure that your child is well rested so he/she can attend to learning activities during the school day.

Volunteering in the Classroom

There are numerous opportunities for parents and community members to volunteer their time, talents, and enthusiasm to enhance the daily experiences of Wells Elementary School students. Such opportunities exist at each grade level, K-4 and can be arranged for both working and non-working adults. There are also special projects and events throughout the school year, which allow working parents to volunteer at home and in other non-traditional ways.

All volunteers are required to participate in a volunteer training provided by our Volunteer Coordinator, Maryanne Foley, prior to participating in classrooms. Maryanne can be reached by telephone at 646-5953 Extension 4204 or (mfoleyATwocsdDOTorg) if you are interested in volunteering or have any questions. The training will cover policies, procedures, and confidentiality.

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

The Wells Elementary School PTSA welcomes the participation of all parents. Our goal is to enhance the relationship between home and school, to provide programs that will teach and stimulate students, and to encourage and facilitate parental involvement in the education of our children.

The PTSA works closely with teaching staff, parents, and the community. By doing this we hope to promote the welfare of all students and help maintain the high level of educational excellence at Wells Elementary School.

PTSA meetings occur monthly in the Wells Elementary School cafeteria. All parent/guardians are invited to attend. Information about joining the PTSA and a list of meeting dates and times will be going out to all parents in the Friday e-mail announcements and can be found on the PTSA website. The PTSA also has a table setup at Kindergarten screenings in September, as well as, at the Open House each fall.

Please contact Wells Elementary School offices regarding general membership PTSA meeting dates and times which will be held in the Wells Elementary School Cafeteria.

If any parent/guardian is interested in joining the PTSA or volunteering in any of the various PTSA programs please contact the PTSA at 646-5953 Extension 4330 (leave message) or email one of the PTSA Co-Presidents. Please note any Wells Ogunquit Community member may join the PTSA including grandparents, volunteers, business owners and older students. We highly appreciate all of your support.

The following are some of the various PTSA sponsored programs that support the Wells Elementary School:

**Staff Appreciation Week (May) **–A National PTSA event and our way of giving a big “thank you” to the teachers and staff at WES!

Colors Day (June) – One of the highlights of the school year, this school-wide event emphasizes team work, cooperation and promotes courage in each of our students. PTSA provides volunteer support and funding.

School Support Fund – Our fundraising efforts enable the PTSA to offer financial assistance to worthy educational projects that would otherwise be unfunded.

It is important to be involved in your children’s education and the PTSA is here to assist you in achieving that goal. We would love you to join, participate in these events, volunteer as you can, attend the PTSA meetings, and learn more about what we do to support the children and teachers of WES!

~adopted May 2018