Attendance Policy and Requests for Vacations

There is a strong relationship between the amount of time students are available for instruction and the amount of progress they make. Our school year in Maine is one of the shortest of the fifty states lasting only 177 days. Every effort should be made to have children attend school regularly so that we may fulfill our responsibility and provide them with the best formal education possible.

Listed below are certain sections of State law regarding attendance:

· Persons 6 years of age or older and under 17 years shall attend a public day school during the time it is in regular session. Any adult having a person subject to the above age requirements shall be responsible for their compliance.

· A student is considered habitually truant if he/she has (a) completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 10 full days of unexcused absences or 7 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during the school year, or (b) Is at least 7 years of age and has not completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive days of unexcused absences during a school year.

· Parents are responsible for the attendance of students who are under 17 years of age. The School Committee shall work with families in an effort to ensure compliance.

A person’s absence is excused when the absence is for the following reasons:

1. Personal illness

2. An appointment with a health professional that must be made during the regular school day

3. Observance of a recognized religious holiday when the observance is required during the regular school day

4. A family emergency

5. A planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved.

6. Education disruption resulting from homelessness, unplanned psychiatric hospitalization, unplanned hospitalization for a medical emergency, foster care placement, youth development placement or some other out-of-district placement that is not otherwise authorized by either any individual education plan or a superintendent’s student transfer agreement. “Education disruption” does not apply to a student who is out of school.

Attendance Policy and Request for Vacations Continued:

If there is a planned absence for an extended period, the parent/guardian must submit a written request at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of absence to an administrator for approval. During the two week prior notice period, the teacher will prepare the assignments. All assignments must be acquired prior to the departure of the student and are due upon the pupil’s return to school. Any additional work the teacher may assign during the period of absence will be made up after the pupil’s return.

Teachers will not be able to generate work for more than one week.

Snow Day Announcements


WCSH (Channel 6)

WGME (Channel 13)

WGAN (Channel 8)



Note: Delay and no school announcements will be made as early as practicable via Infinite Campus Messaging System and radio/TV stations indicated above.

SchoolMessenger Messaging System

WES utilizes the SchoolMessenger Messaging System rapid communication service to keep the school/district community informed with important notifications. This technology allows school administrators to deliver voice messages or e-mails to parent/guardian(s). The program is especially useful in assisting with mass communication of any school/district- wide emergencies or cancellations in an expedient manner. Parents are asked to provide WES with detailed phone contact information during registration and at the start of each school year to ensure that the system is current. If any phone or e-mail communication changes during the school year, please inform the front office immediately.

At the beginning of each school year, we will request the current address, email address, and telephone contact information. This important information will be utilized to contact parent/guardians as part of the SchoolMessenger Messaging Rapid Communication service.

At any point during the school year, your personal contact information changes, please contact Wells Elementary School office at (207) 646-5953. This will allow us to make necessary changes and keep our SchoolMessenger messaging system as current as possible.